The OSI and TCP/IP Model

OSI vs TCP/IP Models


The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) models are conceptual frameworks used to standardize and understand how networks operate. While OSI has 7 layers, TCP/IP is a simpler 4-layer model used in the Internet. Here’s a detailed comparison:

OSI Model Layers

OSI Layer Description Examples Devices Unit of Data Example
7. Application Provides services directly to user applications. HTTP, FTP, SMTP Servers, Gateways Data Sending an email
6. Presentation Translates data between network and application formats. SSL, TLS Servers, Gateways Data Encrypting data
5. Session Manages connections between applications. NetBIOS, RPC Servers, Gateways Data Establishing a session
4. Transport Ensures reliable data transfer. TCP, UDP Routers, Firewalls Segment Establishing a TCP connection
3. Network Routes data across multiple networks. IP, ICMP, Routing Protocols Routers, Switches Packet Routing IP packets
2. Data Link Controls data on the physical network. Ethernet, MAC Addresses Switches, Bridges Frame Switching Ethernet frames
1. Physical Transmits raw bit streams over physical medium. Ethernet cables, Wi-Fi signals Network Interface Cards (NICs) Bit Sending electrical signals

Comparison to TCP/IP Model

OSI Layer TCP/IP Layer Description
7. Application Application Provides services directly to user applications.
6. Presentation Not directly mapped Handles data formats, encryption, etc.
5. Session Not directly mapped Manages sessions, similar to TCP/UDP.
4. Transport Transport Ensures reliable data transfer.
3. Network Internet Routes data across multiple networks.
2. Data Link Data Link Controls data on the physical network.
1. Physical Physical Transmits raw bit streams over physical medium.

Terminology Differences

While both models define similar concepts, terminology may differ:

  • Packet vs Frame: OSI uses "packet" at Layer 3 (Network), while TCP/IP uses "packet" generally for data units.
  • Segment: TCP/IP uses "segment" at Layer 4 (Transport) for data units.
  • Unit of Data: OSI layers use different terms (data, frame, packet) based on the layer's function.

Devices Used at Each Level

  • Application: Servers, Gateways
  • Presentation: Servers, Gateways
  • Session: Servers, Gateways
  • Transport: Routers, Firewalls
  • Network: Routers, Switches
  • Data Link: Switches, Bridges
  • Physical: Network Interface Cards (NICs)


Understanding the OSI and TCP/IP models is essential for designing, implementing, and troubleshooting networks. While OSI provides a comprehensive framework, TCP/IP is practical and widely used in the Internet. Both models serve to standardize network communication and ensure interoperability across diverse systems.

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